Thursday, January 21, 2010

No Title

Today, I woke up to a text from "Carly Welsh"
For some reason that's how I felt I should save you in my phone.

Deleted that today at 4:30.

What a day.

I'm at work, should have started and finished studying but I had a bunch of ACTUAL work to do, that was alarming.
And in addition, I have about 10 different things on my mind.

I go to school with a girl who really, REALLY reminds me of Ashley Winters. Her name is Kristen Penhall and she is growing to be one of my most favoured people. She's funny, she's intelligent, she's witty (and uses that wit to make fun of the same people as I would). She actually just posted something on my Facebook, what a coincidence.

I think it's quite ironic that just as Ashley leaves the country, her twin shows up. I haven't seen Ashley in forever, but I still find it odd.

I have seen some serious Moses action errupt from speaking to Kalie in the past, but none like the last 24 hours. I think I didn't stand a chance before it even started. Earlier in the day on Wednesday, 3 different people said to me

"I can't believe she hasn't texted you yet"

Call me naive, but I could believe it. I wasn't surprised when it happened. But I wasn't holding my breath trying to predict it, either.

I can't even post much beyond that, not here.

You tore me a new asshole today, and I honestly need you to know that it hurts. I don't try to be an idiot, or make terrible decisions. You hate her. Not me. And I have a serious problem, just yesterday you made fun of it. Just because I rarely cry doesn't mean you can stomp on baby's tear ducts..

With all of that in mind, I think I need to see someone. Like a doctor, or whoever the fuck tells you what is or isn't wrong with your brain.

Wouldn't it be wonderful for my Mom and I to bond over ADHD - after all, we already bond over weighing the same.

I kid you not, my Mom has lost so much weight she could be my body twin. Beth actually looked at her and said "MMMM"

That'd be creepy, except moments later I swing back with "Mmm.. Chair sex"
(Becky I'm so sorry, your wheelchair isn't a choice)

Regardless - WIN.

Pole Class Level 1? Complete.

Level 2 - Commence next Monday; we have to start wearing shorts. I think this is the part where I start to become familiar saying things like 'check out this sick bruise on my belly button' , 'wow - I have the biggest callus on my inner thigh'.


School is getting really intense. I can actually feel a migraine creeping it's way into behind my eye.

Dear friends in Calgary:

My Practicum begins February 5th. 4pm-7pm.

Lemme touch yo body fo' a minute; 24 bucks.
And by a minute, I mean 60.

Every Friday after that as well. :)

Speaking of Friday, I'm hanging out with Eric tomorrow. I think we are gunna watch a movie or something. Feels good to forgive, forget, and be friends a bit.

- - - - -

Dear Beth,

I love you more than anything. I've lost track of how many times I've fallen inlove with you, too.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

School Work School WOrk scool wrok scholo..wrk..s..w..

Semester 1

Massage Theory
Massage Therapy
Massage Assessment

Pole Class
Floor Hockey

Sleep - questionable.

That's my life right now, in a nutshell. Beats out ;

Work @ Xerox


Aside from that, all is well. Things on my mind are as follows;

Last night was so much fun, Jodie returned from New Zealand this week and she came over.(As well as Brandy <3, Steph, Britta, Xian, JLV, Kelsey, Lana) We attempted to play Cranium for a while but it mostly consisted of a few rounds of insane screaming matches and spitting smarties into each others mouths. Don't have a CLUE why or how that began.

God damn, I'm gunna miss that little foreigner so much.

This girl at Twisted was absolutely gooned out of her tree, half naked and basically being fucked by half the dance floor. I couldn't believe the messiness. It was hilarious, nonetheless. Her friend actually said to me "You've gotta grind her hard" - like, thanks tips. Because she really needs that when her dress is falling off and some dude is potentially raping her at this very moment.


I am currently at work. On a Saturday. WHAAAAT is this about! Oh well. Should definitely start studying right after this.

Things that amuse me, currently;

-Tiffany is pregnant - that is so fucking cool! (I don't know why I chose
the word cool, could be great, amazing, supa! But there you have it)
-Love Triangles that DON'T involve me!
- How much I love you!

Tomorrow I have nothing to do! Cannot wait!