Monday, November 16, 2009

Past Tense - Messy

It's fricken cold in Banff. And everyone there is foreign.
The one local we managed to talk to, ('local' to Canada) explained how the Australians just won't stop coming. Why is that?

Luckily; did manage to find a New Zealander along the way. I swear to God she made my ears perk up the second I heard her accent... There I am, digging through my wallet, ZING - !

Saturday, we had a bunch of friends over; about 15 dykes/floaters - WHAT A NIGHT THAT MAKES FOR. I cannot get over that out of that many people, who are friends &/or acquaintances; 10 people ended up crying at some point. TEN. 1-0. I think we probably all would have sat around in a pity circle rubbing each others backs if anyone had been an ENEMY. Good Lord.

The most epic part of the night was probably cramming 7 people in the Grandma Yacht and having intense duets with Megan Hill to the Highschool Musical 3 soundtrack. Jodie filmed some of it: In case you want to find me unattractive. And everyone else ignored us.

I made a new friend on the 4th floor. Melina and I heard music playing and casually invited ourselves into a dinner party. I was wearing Zebra PJ's. It was probably the most inappropriate thing I have done for sometime; while intoxicated. Whatever - we were a hit. Barb, MFH & Melina were waiting on a cab so we had to leave shortly after introducing ourselves. I still can't believe we went up there. I wish someone would have come to my gathering on the 1st floor and been sane, just to mix shit up.

Barb cried on my shoulder. Something I never really anticipated to happen. If I'm being honest, I would expect her to tell me I ruined a small portion of her life (to my face, as apposed to everyone else’s) than be weak. But, I guess that just goes to show I really don't know her... On the flip side, passive aggressive behaviour is aggressively annoying.

All of this X related mumbo is becoming an issue. Not for me. I don't think there is much that an X hasn't said or done in a wilful attempt to love or unlove me. It's like I don't even feel anything. In my opinion, right now, there is nothing to be felt.

I realize I am a rare case of robot. And I probably won't "get it" until something drastic happens. Acknowledging the situation is where I top out - I'm sorry.

I want to work at Roots. Can't you see that as totally being my calling? Waking up, probably NOT showering, wearing the sweat pants I potentially SLEPT IN, and going to work to casually discuss lounge wear? I'm the biggest advocate. AKA probably the best person to sell that shit. Mm. And yes, I do look good naked; you creep.