I feel like I've recently had an epiphany.
Now, I'm not really an expert on how these things work, or if it's what you'd call a quarter life crisis - but regardless I feel so READY to make something BIG happen in my life.
Streaming through blogs, and even Facebook profiles, I notice such foreboding trends.
Some of which I've mentioned before; constant negativity, false confidence, translucent relationships smeared all over the place, empty goals...
I'm over it. I can't even look anymore. I wonder how quickly arthritis sets in from over-use of the atlantoaxial joint. I'd be a prime candidate if this hadn't happened. Head shake 101.
I was talking to a friend today who seems to be having a rough go of it lately. I gave her my most honest and sincere words of kindness despite knowing very little of the situation at hand. She seemed so thankful and touched, and I wondered why? The last conversation we had was over a month ago, and the last time we were physically in the presence of one another was probably longer than that. I figured my opinion - though completely from the heart - would sound like a broken record at this point, after her closer friends' bout.
Where is the fucking good in life?
Why is being nice, down to earth and separate from drama so rare?
I'm not perfect, not even close - but every day I am making effort to be the kind of person I would want to have in my life. I physically and internally document goals for myself all the time. Goals that aren't just about how I should "study every day this week". Goals that are making me the BEST version of me possible. Goals that help me exude energy that is real, and not for a second agenda.
I watched a video of a man who swam the English Channel yesterday. And during the commentary it stated: Essentially anyone with general health is capable of this.
I don't want to swim for 16 hours to walk onto the sands of France, I don't want to climb Mount Everest; but if "General Health" is all it takes to do something absolutely incredible, then what the fuck am I waiting for?
This is not some temporary audacious outlook - bold declaration without real betterment makes me sick;
Size up your pole.
12 years ago
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