Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Things That Are Great

My last 2 finals for this semester are tomorrow
Health is amazing
Spring Break begins Thursday at 9pm

Things That Are Unbelievable

How happy it makes me to see my Nan & Poppy interact
Walking with linked arms from the hospital to the car with Poppy
Nan's sense of humour
Ab definition and Boot Camp

Things That I Didn't Expect

My Mom's interest in my life blowing through the roof
My life to be what it is today- hindsight 20/20

I'm looking forward to having no work, no school - workouts, walks, hospital visits, pole class, relaxing, new friend, strength, not furst - but second Easter.

Can we just take a moment to realize how fucking far life has brought me in the last year? Fast paced every day and not even a moment to run away over the mountains.

What a pity. Just like your idea of how important you aren't.

Exude this

Monday, March 29, 2010

Video Bar

What a nifty little tool.
You can watch videos of my Pole Instructor, she will amaze you.
If it seems like a walk in the park for her, it's because she has the most jacked body I've ever seen, and lifting her own weight is basically as easy as breathing..


(Oh, and I put links to cat vids for you McKenzie)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yellow Post It

(Cred to Romy and Michele)

Tonight is Earth Hour (8:30-9:30pm Mountain Time)

So, turn off all your shit and go for a walk! Take a nap, or lay in the grass... basically anything that doesn't involve power. Nemo, go swim.

Between 10pm and 5am some things happened to me.

At 12, Jodie finally got revenge for when I convinced her that Megan has herpes.

(Basically, for my Pathology class I had to do a presentation on Herpes and decided to play a joke on Jodie using Megan as a prop - and I only chose Megan because she's our mutual intimate partner. Regardless, I told Jodie I wanted to interview her based on "What it's like being sexually involved with someone with herpes". She lost her shit. I think I was laughing to tears at my work desk)

She vowed revenge, and despite her tactic being rather subtle, it still got my gears grinding and put me in a very aggravated state.

Kudos to you, Gilbert. We are even.

And Peter, the first thing I said was that I knew you were laughing - you can't lie to me, so you're lucky I couldn't see your stretched cheeks.

Prior to that event, Leon got outside yesterday! And get this - I FOUND HIM!

If you know me, even in the slightest, you know that I can't find a god damn thing. Ever. Never. Ever.

It was like a mini man-hunt for him, everyone going around with flashlights and calling his name.

And how did I find him you may be wondering?
I was standing in the dark beside a shoulder level garden trying to figure out why leaves were moving despite there being no wind..

Turns out it was worms SLOWLY WIGGLING AROUND - AH! Reminded me of an episode of Goosebumps.
Anyway, I looked over - saw him - booked it after him and ta-da!
Final event, at 5am - (I'm basically dead asleep with Beth in our bed)

I wake up a bit, to hear a slow creaking. And it doesn't stop, for at least a minute. Kind of like a super squeaky door hinge.

I'm blinded by the bedroom light being flicked on and off, leaving a silhouette of a person in the doorway. Creepy. Making me creeped out, half asleep, and very fucking confused.

Silhouette starts moving towards the bed. I smack Beth. Further confused.

Silhouette turns out to be 'Katy Perry' and (and KP from now on). KP starts to GET INTO THE BED?!

Beth isn't wearing a shirt, jumps out of bed. All I can say is "What is going on..what is happening".

Seriously - you try being woken up by a freaky dark stranger and not being able to "HIYA!"

I ask KP what she's doing, and she lets out a further creepy, ditsy giggle "ah hah.. ohh sorryyy guyss" and stumbles out.

I couldn't sleep after that. What the hell.

Nice girl, though?
/end of story.

Robyn Hutton wants to go swimming today. Let's go in August?


When I was at the hospital visiting Nan with Megan and Zoe, she started to tell us how, from her room window, she could see young soldiers marching and driving tanks - all holding guns - towards the Stampede Grounds. She said she could hear them singing, and no one wanted to hear them sing, and they were most definitely too young to be holding guns, let alone riding in tanks.

When I walked over to the window, it became very apparent that you can only see a lower level gravel rooftop, and you most definitely can't see anywhere NEAR the Stampede Grounds, which are obviously downtown.

It was really disturbing to hear her speak in such detail about things that aren't real, but are so vivid for her. I guess I've never been exposed to anyone with dementia, but it's very sad.

Now, I'd been thinking about her story for the last couple days, and while driving to work this morning what did I see? A group of young soldiers walking towards the Stampede Grounds..
I burst into tears, and I'm not even sure why.

I've never seen a group of soldiers in my life, to begin with. And I've never felt such a strong sign either. I'm not sure yet what to take from it, but I'm thinking of you Nan.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pole Update

Level 3 - Class 3

I haven't had my pole up in 2 weeks due to the move, but tonight is the night the glory returns to the living room.

It's much needed for how much practicing I need to do, pole stands and combo spins are handing my ass to me - so, so difficult. It makes me so fucking happy. A new girl transferred to my class, her name is Julianna and she's such a sweetheart. I offered to let her use my pole, hoping this turns into the friend I've been looking for. She's 25, recently moved back to Calgary from taking Musical Theatre in LA and she's a dancer (bonding!) and has the wonderful energy almost everyone else in my life is lacking.

I want to film something tonight if all goes well installing. Just so you know, by the end of Level 3 - which is in 3 weeks - I'll be able to hold myself upside down by my feet. So, enjoy the last little while you have with me before I potentially break my neck!

Hux and Leon are becoming friends, Flo is still very angry. What a Queen. Quatchie is good too.

On a more serious note, I'm just going to put this into the World - I have nothing but wonderful thoughts and memories with you Nan - I love you with my whole heart, and so does our whole family; If you stay, or if you go - know it.

Photo Love & Bathroom Serenity

Can do:

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Great Move

I love luck! Bethany was given tickets to the Flames game at work, and my clinic night ran too late, so she sold them - for 300$!
Clearly, the only option is to go eat too many apps at BP's (Boston Pizza, NOT British Petroleum) and pass out before 12.

As of Friday, I am re registered with my First Aid; I can officially save lives. Or so I hope. It's actually rather alarming how hard you have to beat a baby on the back to dislodge something it might be choking on.

"I thought she was choking" - What an excuse (hah?)

We moved almost everything on Saturday, nearly died in the process. Stopped in at Twisted for Jess' birthday - over all pretty low key night and we went home early. I fuckinnnnng haaaaaate seeing people on MDMA - get a life, seriously.

Went out and bought all new bedroom furniture Sunday - this is a result of my previous bed breaking under my ass. Pout. It was old..
ANYWAY - SLEIGH BED!! Almost my dream, but only about half as sleigh as it needs to be one day.

The cats are all under one roof - Poor Leon, he can't go anywhere without Flo wanting to murder him. The best part is that she's a little sweetheart, but it's not enough to overrule instinctual programming.
One day they'll be best friends...or they'll be missing someone...

Finals start on FRIDAY! Woohoo, another 7 exams in 5 days. FML.

I was hoping that my pole would be up yesterday but we're having troubles finding a stud (don't even make a comment), but after that is over and done with I have SO MUCH material to video. I actually completely forgot what it's like to be upside down until last Tuesday. When do people stop being fearless kids?

April 2 = Spring Break. Countdown commence.

Last night the drag show was pretty interesting. Dez brought some boozie ass girls, and as I was leaving one of them went to shake my hand? Despite that we had already met 2 hours prior "formally" and that handshake turned into an awkward stranger hug GOD DAMMIT I HATE THOSE. Needless to say, I scurried away across the street like any squirrel would.

Shout out to Julv.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Happening March 21, 2010.

I remember last year how intense the rallying was in downtown Calgary. It made me feel so many things at once. Probably one of the biggest adrenaline rushes I've ever experienced.

It makes me angry how ignorant people can allow themselves to be.
It makes me afraid that people feel the need to cover their faces to protect their lives from harm in the future.
It makes me proud of the crowd that comes to support unity in any way shape or form.

I was looking through random Google photos of the event trying to find the Calgary Sun cover that had the side of my sweater in it, as well as photos of the event and look what I stumbled upon:

Could I be more interested?

I think this year I will go down again. Zoe just told me that we might have a bit of Jew in us? Random. It's refreshing to see people be so passionate about something that MATTERS. Police have to protect these bigots- can't wait until Karma finds each and every one of you...

In other news...
Moving has begun. Can't wait to be done.

I need to find a doctor as soon as possible. After the incident on Saturday I need to find out what happened to me. I spoke with quite a few people about the details, and considering the chances of me being drugged are about 1 in a million, it seems as though I might have had a seizure without being extremely tense in appearance (which is apparently really common), and the side effects of what happened after were a result of the fact that I had consumed alcohol mixed with extreme fatigue.

Here's hoping it never happens again. Thank you everyone who took care of me...

My conch piercing hurts.

That is all.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


My abs hurt enough to break off from the rest of my body.
Pole level 3 is so intense. I'm thinking with the higher ceilings I'll be able to post a video soon.
This has been muchos procrastinated, and believe it or NOT my Mom is the one asking for videos the most.. odd.

In addition to the "just for fun" aspect, I have a list of requests I am to fulfill sooner, rather than later. Feel free to add to this request pattern.. unless you're Megan. You only get one. The one's I'm currently working on -

1. Pole tribute to Michael Jackson - Kristin
2. Pole tribute to Lady Gaga - MD

Don't expect this any sooner than the 20th..

In other news...

Poppy is well, so glad the surgery went as planned. School is well. Moving will be well.
Jodie is in town this weekend, can't wait to see that little brat. And I honestly think I'm more excited to HEAR her, than see her. Especially when she's drunk.

She's become a bit of a "inside joke" in my class... (that sounds bad, let me explain)
Obviously we massage each other a lot, and some techniques are invasive and painful, etc..
So when someone says "It hurts..", it's often followed by someone saying " reallyyyy does." in a British accent...

I think I should post said video, for those who may not understand.
And then I should post myself in Texas, laughing the same way, almost 3 years previous.

Ramble ramble ramble...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I wish you could buy butterflies

Sometimes I wish our lives were video documented.
Even if in silence.

Everyone could have a library in their basement, and a rusty old player to watch memories on, right there. I wonder what parts of my life I would re-watch.

Perhaps driving away from Cemetery Hill
Perhaps driving down Granville.
Perhaps walking past Mac's at 8th.
Perhaps climbing the fence beside 52nd at 2am
Perhaps looking out my Gr. 8 classroom window towards the empty walkway
Perhaps every memory before that

I wonder what the world would be like then.
I wonder if we'd have less to lie about, and less to regret.
Even if temporarily.

Just a thought.

Dear Peter,

I'm over here. Still being ugly.

Love, Wendy

Messages in a Bottle

1. I'm going to be there for you, and I'm sorry I didn't take what you said more seriously. Get the help you need. So many people love you.

2. I really want to be proud of you, I wonder if that will ever happen. It feels really disheartening to make the same mistake over and over, you'll get it. I know it.

3. You are more than your body. Than your face. Than your past. ( - + - )

4. I miss you..

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear Negatives

Please stop whining.
I feel so on top of the world. Why? Because I bring myself to that place, or I bring people into my life who have that influence.
Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you can change it.
End of story.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where Am I

Midterms are over, phew, and now I'm sick. Lovely.

Currently looking for a new place to live.

Honestly, only 2 months in, I'm really looking forward to school being done so I can take MORE courses to get where I want to be. I'm realizing that the written work of massage therapy will prove to be the most important. Taking all of these intense courses and building them into a career.

If I ever plan to get to B.C and survive there, I won't be an RMT. I'd be called a "body mover". No thanks. Oh life, where will you take me next?

Carly and Poppy just had birthdays. 23, 83. I love you both, so much.

Pole Level 3, begins Tuesday. I think it's about time I post something I've accomplished. The degree of difficulty is about to go sky high - exactly like my body will. I'll take some pictures soon. The human body is amazing, inside and out. I learn this more everyday.

I hope things settle down for you soon, Peter. They always do. Go clean.

Enjoy your vacation; grow grow grow grow grow.