Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Generation

A never ending frivolous desire to be ubiquitous and stagnant in one moment, in every moment, always.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Am I Crazy?

Nothing in the world makes me feel more powerful than the transformation I began 6 months ago.
This body will be sculpted to aerial perfection.
Pole is life, I wonder what it feels like to have a title.

If you don't like it, don't look.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jus' Some

I'm exhausted, up at 4:40am, but Boot Camp was great.

WTF SCHOOL - 8 exams next week?

I had a cheat day yesterday for my family birthday BBQ - some dairy, a white bun :O
Back on track today - this I am proud of:

I was so tired after school today I just wanted to say fuck it and go buy something on the way - but instead I made a really crappy salad because a crappy salad is STILL a salad and part of the challenge:

So sad, right?

Saturday SHRIMP SALAD after an absolutely wonderful day;

Feeling really good today besides all of that. Calm.
Feel better Stv.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hanson Was Amazing

When I was young. Did anyone else have those books;

"Totally Taylor!" - "Zac Attack!" ?

90's on 9 must be playing again;

"Hold on to the ones who really care, in the end they'll be the only ones there"

Well said, Taylor, well said.

Friday's Salad
And for now, Saturday Morning FRUIT Salad

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Try This & See What Happens

(sorry for excessive blogging but I couldn't resist this)

I can't help but be totally enthused by the new blog I found and posted about earlier this week. Here's something I did that warmed my heart;

Go to a date that means something to you, and see what the message for that day is.
Was it applicable?

I went to my Dad's birthday, and this is what I found:

I feel like this is such a sign, because I used to have a journal I started to write my journey since losing him & life growing up - it was titled "Your 1 Worth".

Try & let me know - Did this have any effect for you?

For Mckenzie Woodman:



I'm experiencing a little thing we like to call DOMS, in the massage world;

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness


Boot Camp tomorrow bright and early. Gunna be wicked, considering I can't even get into my car without looking like I have a disability!

Made a curry chicken salad today, and left Julv in a house smelling like India!
I'm chuckling at my desk...

Red Peppers are so amazing. On their own, not so much, in a salad? Ooh-eee. Just sayin'.

Bike Riding:

Sunday Night! I'm picking up the bikes and we gon' cruise Marda Loop!
(ps. When I say 'night' I mean before 9pm because that's my bed time!)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin

In lieu of recent events (hitting the breaking point as far as anxiety, stress & an over-packed schedule go) I'm taking my Mother's (& other's) advice to stop burning the candle at both ends;

I quit my job

- to have more time to study, do clinic, rest, relax & have a SPARE moment!

sigh sigh sigh of relief - for once

BootCamp Day 1

Success! I was up at 4:45am no problem. My trainer is so nice (and really attractive - can you say motivation? Muahah...) but holy crap it was brutal hard!

It's now been over 12 hours since then, and I won't lie - it feels like a different day. But I'm not tired! Therefore, I feel today was great over all!

The challenge also began for me today and I made the best salad ever! See photo:

I had NO refined sugar, NO dairy and I did over an hour of fitness ! *pats self on back*

I think that the hardest part of the challenge for me will be the daily salad. I don't have too much time between school & work so I'm going to follow in the foot steps of Mr.StvG, and post a photo to stay accountable. Someone please get on my case if you don't see a picture [Abbey?] :).

Also, I'm now 21! I don't feel any different - not surprising. Tons of birthday messages and texts made for a smiley day. A day that commenced at 8:45pm. How unexpected?

Who wants to go bike riding?!

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Post-It

I discovered a blog today that's really great- check it out here!

I'm using this specific post-it from the site for inspiration with my Boot Camp, and I may re-post it when I need to remind myself. I hope some of you do the same, because a little pick-me-up comes in handy sometimes!

I realize Boot Camp isn't impossible, but 5:15am is a time I haven't been friends with since I worked at Red Arrow. And even then I could barely sleep from paranoia I'd miss my alarm. Actually more like 4:45 will become my friend, I have to BE THERE at 5:15. It's going to be a challenge for me, 3 days a week for 2 months. Wish me luck!

I Bid You Adieu, Twenty

My birthday is tomorrow! For anyone who knows me, even in the slightest - you KNOW this is essentially my favorite day ever! It makes it even better that I have pole tomorrow, so I will be spending it doing my favorite thing. I have school, which sucks. It's on a Tuesday, which also sucks. I have boot camp at 5:15am the following day which SUCKS...

I'm kidding. It really isn't so bad. I'm not drinking regardless, and Boot Camp = WIN not SUCK.
Also, I've already had the


That is an understatement. I was heading into the weekend thinking I'd have a really low-key birthday dinner and just go dancing on Saturday - I didn't even want to make an event because I know everyone is busy, I AM busy, and over all I didn't want to be let down.

Driving up to Curtis' place I had NO idea where I was, and WHO the fuck lived in the house I was about to enter, let alone what was happening inside.

The door opens and almost EVERYONE on the planet that I love and miss was in the living room. Yelling SURPRISE - which, potentially stopped my heart for a moment, as you can witness me gripping at my chest moments after walking in the door.

Honey Brown Keg = Check off my bucket list

I had the best time. The BEST night ever. I can't say it enough. Thank you thank you thank you for everyone who came and made me feel so loved. I will never forget that night.

I would now like to post some of the photos that I feel sum up the night.

Best Birthday Visitors

Some of My Favorite People

Forced Into Doing My 1st Ever Keg Stand

The Result of Said Keg Stand..

And the Reason This All Happened!
I Love You!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010

May - Begin Sculpture

So, Boot Camp starts in a few days (May 10th) and what better way to amp my results by adding a separate challenge to help me keep up workouts that will be on my own, and also focus on nutrition!

I'm not "officially" registering into the challenge but the list of guidelines that I have to follow are;

  • 45 minutes of workout everyday - 2-4 of which must be resistance/strength training
  • Eating a large salad everyday
  • No dairy
  • No refined sugars
  • 50% less alcohol consumption (hoping to make this more like 95% less..)
I agree with Stv when it comes to realizing WHERE refined sugars are found but I do have a Nutrition Nazi in my class, so I can always ask her for help.

Contrary to that struggle, I have my pole in my favor. If I don't feel like doing anything else, working up a sweat on my pole is my favorite time waster, and 45 minutes will fly by!

Also, seems like it's time to finally dust off the weights I got for Christmas!

Whenever I see them I think of you, because they're called "Alex" & you always say I look like an Alex.

I've been asking Julv to photograph my "before" photo's for a while now, just for personal use, but now I have something to motivate me further.

Over all, I'm really excited to try this out. I haven't had to push my body in a long time, and I can't wait to see what happens.

My Kinesiology, Advanced Anatomy & Exercise Physiology midterms are tomorrow and the day after. I'm actually feeling REALLY good about these exams. Not dreading them at all. Can you believe I'll be done in 3 months? Fuck. Yes.

Pole Level 4 - Class 3 is tomorrow. Last week I finally came across a move I can't quite do. Personally, I have no desire to do this as part of my recreational practice, but it's so frustrating knowing that I can't put this under my belt. If you would like to see the move, search "wrist seat" or "wrist sit" on YouTube and I'm sure you'll find something close enough.

Once I master this move, I'll post my winning photo!

I can't wait to see you, I'm counting the hours !

It's my birthday weekend coming up - If you're interested, come to the Zoo on Saturday! Not exactly sure what time, but it should be a good time. I don't know details but I think with Jodie & Megan being in town we'll probably go out Friday/Saturday.

I think that's it for today, except one final note;

I'm going to Gaga!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Comment's I've Received Today

From the guys I work with:

You look like a teacher
You look like a librarian
You look like a secretary
You look professional
You changed your style today...

What is this a result of, you may be wondering?

Waking up 10 minutes before I needed to leave for work, wearing a dress shirt and blazer (this clothing choice never happens), and having my hair up because I head bed head and showering wasn't an option.

Aka - LAZINESS = Notice Taken

Last week I cut my hair and actually attempted to look nice at work (this choice never happens) and NO ONE noticed.

How do boys even work? Beats the hell outta me.