Wednesday, April 28, 2010

90's on 9

Does anyone have satellite radio? It's always playing at work - 80's on 8 station - which, don't get me wrong, is a wonderful station.

But every now and then people have been playing the 90's channel, and now that I have satellite in the Jeep I like to listen to it too.

For instance, as I type this 'All Saints' is playing. HAH - what happened to them?? What happened to 80% of the people that come on? (Clearly, Backstreet Boys playing creates bliss and not curiosity - in case you were wondering)

Song Change - Aqua Barbie Girl 

Listening to 90's music feels like smelling a sweater you found in your grandparents basement and having about 20 memories coming instantly flooding back.

I guess the more important question shouldn't be 'what happened to..' but 'what do you remember about 90's music'. Personally, everything that's come to mind has been hysterical or calming. I will accept either of those willingly.

Song change - Ini Kamoze Here Comes the Hotstepper
 All I know is the "Naaaa, na na na naaa, na na na na na na na na na na, na na na naaa"
(10 bucks says if you're not Megan Dietrich that's all you know too)

 Okay friends, another Q - What 90's song defines you the most? To provoke response, I will take the liberty of making my own assumptions for a couple of you who actually read this blog:

 Song change - TLC Unpretty
[ RIP Left Eye, Beth is holding down your legacy ]

  • Abbey S: Let's Talk About Sex - Salt-N-Pepa
  • Jodie G: Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
  • Mckenzie W: Pretty Fly For A White Guy - The Offspring
  • Megan D: Baby Got Back - Sir Mixx-A-Lot

 One final question;

 Are you Jimmy Ray?

Monday, April 26, 2010

What's Good:

  • A girl I work with gave me a $100 gift certificate to Fit Body Boot Camp
  • The Alberta Government gave me 5,000 dollars
  • Finally getting the Jeep tomorrow - BIGGEST relief ever - FUCK YOU worst Insurance Lady
  • Jodie & Megan for 1 week IN 1 week
  • BBC 3/week for 8 weeks for the price of 2/week! MAY 10 MAY 10 MAY 10!
  • Pole Class tomorrow & how AMAZING it feels to master tricks because it's all in the legs!
  • Birthday nearing and jungle 'jim' playing!
Only one thing that isn't so good...

I just wrote the Bill of Sale for good ol' Alero.

RIP Grandma "the boat" Mobile

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I feel like I've recently had an epiphany.

Now, I'm not really an expert on how these things work, or if it's what you'd call a quarter life crisis - but regardless I feel so READY to make something BIG happen in my life.

Streaming through blogs, and even Facebook profiles, I notice such foreboding trends.
Some of which I've mentioned before; constant negativity, false confidence, translucent relationships smeared all over the place, empty goals...

I'm over it. I can't even look anymore. I wonder how quickly arthritis sets in from over-use of the atlantoaxial joint. I'd be a prime candidate if this hadn't happened. Head shake 101.

I was talking to a friend today who seems to be having a rough go of it lately. I gave her my most honest and sincere words of kindness despite knowing very little of the situation at hand. She seemed so thankful and touched, and I wondered why? The last conversation we had was over a month ago, and the last time we were physically in the presence of one another was probably longer than that. I figured my opinion - though completely from the heart - would sound like a broken record at this point, after her closer friends' bout.

Where is the fucking good in life?
Why is being nice, down to earth and separate from drama so rare?

I'm not perfect, not even close - but every day I am making effort to be the kind of person I would want to have in my life. I physically and internally document goals for myself all the time. Goals that aren't just about how I should "study every day this week". Goals that are making me the BEST version of me possible. Goals that help me exude energy that is real, and not for a second agenda.

I watched a video of a man who swam the English Channel yesterday. And during the commentary it stated: Essentially anyone with general health is capable of this.

I don't want to swim for 16 hours to walk onto the sands of France, I don't want to climb Mount Everest; but if "General Health" is all it takes to do something absolutely incredible, then what the fuck am I waiting for?

This is not some temporary audacious outlook - bold declaration without real betterment makes me sick;

This is the beginning of everything I am capable of.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I say this in my head a lot lately.

Thanks for the talk, I really needed it. Probably will continue to need it, soon.

I would LOVE to post about how AMAZING my first class of Level 4 Pole was last night, but - Julv is going to photograph me this weekend, which means no more photos of randoms, and progress photos that are MINE!

I can't wait! And I hope you can't wait either!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Vancouver Pride August 1st 2010 - Don't mind if I do...

Las Vegas? Sure, I'll have a side of that too.

Picking up the Jeep, Saturday.
Missing you, everyday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Thought

It creeps me the FUCK out when people refer to their eating disorders as Ana & Mia.

Well, Since You're Sticking Around

I might as well justify you, anxiety.

Things I'm Happy About Anticipating

Boot Camp Mondays & Wednesdays @ 5:45am
Regulars for Clinic Fridays from 3-7:00pm
Post Secondary being First Priority
Level 4 Pole Tuesdays @ 8:00pm

There, I have acknowledged you, so settle down - hopefully.
I've been following a blog of an adult fitness facility in the US, and particularly one AMAZING pole dancer named Becca Butcher - look her up on YouTube, or Alena Downs - MY pole instructor. Absolutely mind blowing and so inspiring.

My palms look they have been severely sun burned; due to the fact I use my pole at every possible moment.

Last night, as I have mentioned, was my first "performance" for my class. Moments before, my heart was racing, dry mouth, and all of those wonderful stage fright symptoms but it went fabulously and I'm very proud of myself.

I chose to do Tegan & Sara's 'Empty In between' for 2 reasons;
  • 1) I adore the song, and (despite what some may assume) it works really well
  • 2) It's 1 minute & 30 seconds long and I'm a huge baby who can't handle the pressure beyond that much time passing..


Mind you, I'll play around for my friends and family with no hesitation. There's just something initially frightening about performing for 3 beyond incredibly skilled trainers, one of whom made a career of dancing for 15 years+ and now OWNS the studio.

Then my voice of reason steps in and reminds me - these people WANT me to succeed. And, even if they didn't - for whatever reason - their income is based on my interest and success.


Looking forward to the weekend - Friday Night = Watching Strippers with a group of girls from Pole Junkies. I can't tell if more time will be spent admiring or critiquing their pole work.

And Saturday - Checking out Hudson's Pub. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Feelin' it at a pretty intense level lately.

I can't even put my finger on it, but it's reoccurring and usually it casually subsides after it does it's thing - personally I can't stand it.

I basically deal with it by trying to breathe and remind myself that I have nothing that is worrying me, breathing (sighing..) and whatever else I can come up with.

Last night I went mentally examined my life, searching for things that could potentially be secretly bothering me, and nothing came of it. In fact, things are BETTER now than they were just a short time ago;

  • Nanny is going to be released from the hospital which everyone considered a 0% chance
  • I got over some serious stage fright by working on my pole work with Juli
  • The money situation is fine
  • Semester two started TODAY, so I don't have any stress there
  • ?
I need to get my shit checked out. I'm sighing as fidgeting while I type this.

Tomorrow night is my final class of Level 3 - BRING IT INVERTS ! Everyone in my class has to do a showing of what we've learned thus far (can't believe it's been since December already?)

Pretty nervous, but kind of excited. I feel really proud of how much skill I've obtained - and holy smokes I have arm strength! Unbelievable, I can do pull-ups !

That's all for today, I'll leave off with my favorite pole sit...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pole Fav x2

I know I said you aren't allowed to have jacked arms in our marriage, but that doesn't mean I can't?



Back at work today.
Back to regular class on Monday.
Happy Birthday Megan Hill.

Yesterday I went to the Casino in Calgary for the first time in my life. It was so strange to me, the parking lot looked like it could hold capacity for West Edmonton Mall and it was completely packed. On the outside it looks like a movie theatre - where there's different levels and weird protruding corners, all decorated with some random asymmetrical grid pattern - and the inside is like a tiny piece of Vegas.

I looked like a deer in headlights I'm sure.

So Beth and I played Bingo - well, SHE played Bingo (I can't handle the number/letter mix - thanks dyslexia?) And she actually won. TOO BAD she didn't realize until someone else called it.

Memorable moments consist of:

  • One of the workers being Kate Hudson's twin. +10 years maybe, but seriously it was insane.
  • The lady sitting adjacent to us repeating how "bizarre" her daughter winning a large pot was, and crying for about 15 minutes after said win.
  • How twitchy well oxygenated areas make a person

Moving on.

I'm in the process of selling my Alero (shed a tear, I know) and can't wait to drive through the mountains in this beautiful thing:

How wonderful it is to work at a car dealership. We'll see you so soon.

I've been Skyping with Jodie & Megan a lot, this makes me so happy. It feels less like missing someone when you can actually see their face. You both make life amazing - muchos thanks.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sorry, I Could Have Sworn This Was Flo...

Whoops - I guess you'll have to spend more time paying attention to other peoples' cats (that aren't your fav).

Oh, isn't he the most handsome boy...

Have a GOOD Friday

As far as I've heard, the new-ish Tim Horton's commercial (the one where the man buys his family second hand jackets and is overwhelmed when he sees them arrive at the airport) makes everyone cry.

By everyone, I mostly mean JESSICA PALMER.

Anyway, it IS a touching commercial, but the best part about it is the stereotypical "overwhelmed look" the man has.

Man looks in the distance

His wife draws closer

Brings fist to mouth


I burst out laughing every time it plays. I also burst out laughing when I was on the Tim Horton's website checking out their new wrap, and noticed this:

In fact, I'm still laughing.
Enjoy, Julv.